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General Product Information


Microbiology is the study of the biology of microbes like viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, slime molds, and protozoa.

Microbes are essential to human life and as they are responsible for causing diseases too, it is important to study their biochemistry. There are many ways to classify microorganisms.

  1. Multicellular vs Unicellular vs Acellular
    • Multicellular: More than one cell
    • Unicellular: Single cell
    • Acellular: Lacks cell, like a virus
  2. Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
    • Prokaryotes: Microbes having a single cell, no true nucleus, and lacks membrane-bound organelles. Ex: Bacteria
    • Eukaryotes: Microbes having complex cells, true nucleus, and membrane-bound organelles. Ex: Yeast, Helminths, Protozoa, Algae, and Fungi

Our daily life is very intricately intertwined with microorganisms. Not only do they populate the inner and outer surfaces of the human body, but they are also found abundantly in the soil, sea, and air. If we look around, they are responsible for fermenting our sugar to produce wine/beer, rising our breads, flavoring our cheese, keeping us healthy by providing antibiotics and insulin. Based on the type of microbes, the following branches are the subdivisions of the umbrella term: Microbiology

  1. Bacteriology: Study of bacteria
  2. Protozoology: Study of Protozoa
  3. Virology: Study of viruses
  4. Mycology
  5. Phycology


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