Brandtech Scientific Pipette Tips
General Product Information
BrandTech Pipette Tips Are Made in BRAND's Cleanrooms, One of the Largest in the World carries the complete assortment of BrandTech Pipette tips. They are available in a variety of sizes, configurations, low retention and non-low retention for delivering volumes from 0.1µL to 10mL. BRAND tips are precision-molded from high purity, DiHEMDA- and oleamide-free, virgin polypropylene.
BrandTech Pipette Tips are Available in a Variety of Options
All unopened BrandTech pipette tips are RNAse, DNA, and edotoxin-free.Clean, hydrophobic surfaces reduce sample retention, and increase accuracy and reproducibility. Tip orifice is precisely centered for directional accuracy. 200µL and 1000µL bulk tips use cadmium-free pigments, all other tips are pigment-free.
All BRAND pipette tips are produced using the most advanced cleanroom techniques to ensure consistently high quality. The tips are manufactured in an environmentally friendly manner using only high-purity polypropylene, free from oleamide and diHEMDA - additives which can interfere with biological tests. Available non-sterile or BIO-CERT® sterile in a variety of packaging options (bulk, TipRefill, TipStack, TipBox), tip volumes range from 0.1µL to 10mL.
All rack-packed BrandTech tips and filter tips up to 1000 μL are free of DNA (<40 fg), RNase (<8.6 fg), endotoxins (<1 pg) and ATP (<1 fg), and are supplied with environmentally friendly packaging systems. BIO-CERT® tips are sterile according to ISO 11137 and the AAMI guidelines; a SAL of 10-6 is obtained.
Ultra-Low Retention BrandTech Pipette Tips
Choose from BRAND®’s standard tips, or their ULR™ ultra-low retention tips. Not a coating or additive that can contaminate samples, but a covalently-bound physical-chemical treatment that results in a surface more hydrophobic than PTFE. See the video for more information. Available in convenient, low-waste, environmentally-friendly packaging: Choose from bulk, TipBox/ TipRefill systems, or space saving TipStack nesting inserts. Racks, refills and stacks are available non-sterile, or BIO-CERT® sterile (5 mL and 10 mL tips not available in BIO-CERT®).