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Elevate your research with Eppendorf and other top-brand Thermomixers, ensuring efficient and reproducible results and homogeneous sample processing. Access best pricing from Pipette.com.

General Product Information

Thermomixer – Simultaneous Heating and Mixing

Thermomixers are designed to simultaneously incubate and shake samples, allowing scientists to control mixing speed and temperature settings. The precision and accuracy of heating, cooling, and speed can lead to more reproducible and accurate results, giving you more confidence in your experiments. Digital program functions and high accuracy and stability of mixing and temperature with a thermomixer gives you the highest assay consistency effortlessly. Thermomixers are often found within cell, molecular, high throughput screening, drug discovery, and pharmaceutical labs.

There are various applications for which a thermomixer may be useful, advantageous or even necessary for you to conduct research precisely and accurately. Some popular application examples are listed below.

If you are interested in purchasing a thermomixer for your lab, consider reaction vessel specifications to choose the right unit for your needs and applications. There are several heating and cooling blocks available for: PCR tube reactions, 96-well PCR plates, 384-well PCR plates, flat bottom plates (with SBS footprint), deep well plates (DWP), 0.2mL (PCR) tubes, 0.5mL microcentrifuge tubes, cryo tubes (cryovials), 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes, flat microplates, 2.0mL microcentrifuge tubes, cryovials, 5.0mL tubes, test tubes, 12 mm diameter, 35mm to 76 mm height, 15mL tubes and 50mL tubes.

Different thermomixer models are equipped with different features which are suited to different applications. Check out the descriptions of each below to decide which unit is best for your lab. Most brands and models have a high level of flexibility and a broad range of settings to allow customizable programs and a broad functionality with one unit. Certain models also have condensation prevention technology to prevent condensation from forming on the inside of tube lids and making your reaction volumes more consistent and your experiments more accurate.

Find out if a thermomixer is right for your lab.

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