DWK Life Sciences LLC - Pastuer Pipette - W820023
Pasteur Pipette Adapter for 5mL Acura Model 835. PVDF adapter fits pipette nozzle to accommodate standard glass Pasteur pipettes. The adapter has two FPM O-rings guaranteeing proper holding and tightness of standard glass 2mL Pasteur Pipettes.
Product Description:
The Pasteur Pipette Adapter for the 5mL Acura Model 835 by DWK Life Sciences LLC is designed to seamlessly fit the pipette nozzle, specifically tailored to support standard glass Pasteur pipettes. Crafted from PVDF, this adapter ensures a secure and precise connection for enhanced pipetting operations. Equipped with two FPM O-rings, this accessory guarantees a snug fit, maintaining the stability and integrity of standard glass 2mL Pasteur Pipettes. Upgrade your laboratory equipment with this reliable Pasteur Pipette Adapter to streamline your pipetting tasks with confidence and accuracy.