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FroggaBio USA Inc - Lysozyme

Geneaid lysozyme

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FroggaBio USA Inc - Lysozyme Product Description

Geneaid lysozyme

Lysozyme is most often used for lysing bacterial cells by hydrolyzing the peptidoglycan present in the cell walls 

Lysozyme alternatively can improve efficiency of protein or DNARNA extraction

  • Lysozyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of 1,4-beta-linkages between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in peptidoglycans and between the N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in chitodextrins 
  • Gram (+) positive bacteria cell walls have a substantially higher proportion of peptidoglycan so are more susceptible to lysozyme hydrolysis
  • Lysozyme is purified from chicken egg white and supplied as a lyophilized powder 

      See ‘ManualsSpecifications


  • Lysing bacterial cells by hydrolyzing the peptidoglycan present in the cell walls

  • Improve efficiency of protein or DNARNA extraction 

  • Supplied as a lyophilized powder in 8 mg vials, 50 mg vials, 110 mg vials, 250 mg vials, 610 mg vials and 2500 mg vials

  • Lysozyme can be shipped at room temperature

  • RNase and DNase free


      LY1220- 12g
      LY610- 610mg
      LY420- 420mg
      LY250- 250mg
      LY130- 130mg
      LY110- 110mg
      LY050- 50mg
      LY020- 20mg
      LY008- 8mg


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