Eppendorf Sealingring, 600-1000 uL, Pkg/10
Sealingring, 600-1000 uL, Pkg/10
Product Description:
The Eppendorf Sealing Rings, designed for volumes ranging from 600 to 1000 microliters, come in packs of 10. These sealing rings ensure a secure and leak-free fit for compatible lab equipment. Manufactured by Eppendorf, a reputable name in the industry, these sealing rings guarantee a reliable seal, vital for maintaining the integrity of your samples during various laboratory procedures. By effectively preventing leaks, these sealing rings contribute to the overall efficiency and accuracy of your work. Whether you are performing routine pipetting tasks or handling sensitive samples, these sealing rings provide the assurance needed for successful outcomes. Upgrade your lab equipment with these Eppendorf Sealing Rings to experience enhanced performance and peace of mind during your daily lab routines.