Labnet AccuBlock Digital Dry Baths Pop-Stopper for D1102, D1102-A, D1105, D1105-A blocks.
AccuBlock Digital Dry Baths Pop-Stopper for D1102, D1102-A, D1105, D1105-A blocks.
Product Description:
The AccuBlock Digital Dry Baths Pop-Stopper is designed for use with D1102, D1102-A, D1105, D1105-A blocks from Labnet. This accessory ensures a secure fit during incubation, mixing, and heating applications. The Pop-Stopper enhances user safety by preventing block movement and potential disruptions to experiments. Compatible with specific block models, this product is essential for maintaining stability and accuracy within laboratory procedures. Upgrade your dry bath setup with the AccuBlock Digital Dry Baths Pop-Stopper to enjoy reliable and precise block positioning for a variety of scientific tasks.