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Gilson Pipetman Concept Multichannel Electronic Pipette

Pipetman Concept Multichannel models are designed with simplicity, flexibility and comfort in mind. The exclusive Gilson Forceless Integrated Tip ejection System (G-FIT System ) ensures instant reliable seals and low ejection forces. Its high productivity allows you to fill a 96-well plate in less than 15 seconds. (PLEASE NOTE: The Pipetman Concept power supply charger (F30702) is required in order to use Pipetman Concept Electronic Pipettes. This item can be found on the single channel Pipetman Concept product page).



This product has not been previously used, and is in pristine condition.


This product has been previously used or returned. It has undergone a thorough process of inspection and restoration to bring it to a nearly-new condition.

REFURBISHED: Fully refurbished to as new condition with one year warranty and certificate of conformity. Additional ISO 17025 accredited PLUS service can be purchased separately. *calibration report upon request
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Gilson Pipetman Concept Multichannel Electronic Pipette Product Description

Pipetman Concept Multichannel models are designed with simplicity, flexibility and comfort in mind. The exclusive Gilson Forceless Integrated Tip ejection System (G-FIT System ) ensures instant reliable seals and low ejection forces. Its high productivity allows you to fill a 96-well plate in less than 15 seconds. (PLEASE NOTE: The Pipetman Concept power supply charger (F30702) is required in order to use Pipetman Concept Electronic Pipettes. This item can be found on the single channel Pipetman Concept product page).


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